I had an interesting experience with a popular software vendor today, whose products I've been testing for the past thirty (30) days.
I was just about to subscribe to their entire product suite, only to be told that the suite is not offered for sale in my home country.
(I'm based in Jamaica, in the Caribbean).
Now, they didn't mention this during the trial period, even when product updates were being done online, during said trial period.
So you can imagine my surprise when I saw this notice appear upon point of purchase.
I just had to shake my head in awesome disappointment.
In this age of a global economic recession, can US-based companies really afford to be turning away online customers...because these customers are located outside the four (4) major continents: North America, Europe, Asia and Australia?
Well this one did and has apparently been doing it for quite some time.
But guess what?
Their profits have been taking a beating...so too their stock price and their marketing executives don't even realize that it's as a result of their failure to effectively target the "Rest of the World".
So you know what I'm doing right now?
I'm continuing to test their competitors' products.
I've got my eyes on one particular product from their major competitor and will be purchasing it.
This product is less complicated than that of the erstwhile software vendor, has a shorter learning curve, is a little less expensive, gets the job done, quickly and guess what?... is available to the "Rest of the World"!
Although the suite of products from the erstwhile software vendor would have been a better buy as a package...I only need one product within a few days...the other products can wait.
So to e-Commerce providers who feel that the "Rest of the World" doesn't exist...you'd better think again...
...That dip in your profits over the past 2-3 years could just be as a result of your neglecting countries in the "Rest of the World".
You're shooting yourselves in the foot if you believe that the major source of your revenue growth will be from the big "4" continents only.
(E.g. many US-based companies are realizing, albeit too late, that emerging economies represent their true growth markets).
Neglect "Rest of the World" markets and you might as well close shop.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
[Market Opportunities Unlimited enables companies in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector to gain and retain highly profitable customers...
We know how to cost-effectively reach these glocal (global and local) customers.
Please do contact us, if generating multi-million dollar profits is important to you].
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