I just wanted to share with you EU Commissioner -Máire Geoghegan-Quinn's, ground-breaking Robert Schuman 2012 lecture, entitled, "Winning the Innovation Race" ...
...made at the 2012 Innovation Summit held in Brussels, Belgium, on October 12,2012.
(Máire Geoghegan-Quinn is the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science at the European Union).
In the above speech she tells how the European Union is repositioning itself to become an innovation leader!
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn goes into detail re how EU companies and member-countries will win the innovation race.
If you own a technology business or company, are a technology professional, technocrat or policy-maker in any country...you need to listen to/view this speech.
From it you can learn how to position your own company or country to win at innovation...
...have a listen!
...Or if you can't, a transcript of the above lecture is available from the Lisbon Council's website, here.
As usual, your comments are welcomed!
Sources Include
1) Transcript of "Winning the Innovation Race" by Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, October 12,2012
2) EU Commissioner - Máire Geoghegan-Quin's CV, accessed December 6,2012