While a few app developers are making hundreds of thousands of dollars (USD) from their apps...most are not doing so well...in May 2012, PC Magazine revealed a survey that shows that over 60% of developers can't even break even...
...According to the survey, the developers who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars, do have a marketing budget and are actively promoting their apps.
Well, StartApp is helping developers to more effectively distribute their apps worldwide.
They outline the process in their, "Best Practices to Achieve Maximum Exposure for Your Apps" Infographic shown below.
It shows app developers how to achieve maximum exposure for their apps, using StartApp of course!
Please do take a look at the infographic below and let us know what you think. :)
We will be discussing whether or not the $18 Revenue Per Thousand Downloads (RPMD) that StartApp is rewarding app developers, is competitive, in an upcoming post.
Sources Include
1) Infographics definition, by Whatis.TechTarget.com, accessed November 23,2012
2) "Infographic: Best Practices to Achieve Maximum Exposure for Your Apps" , Startapp.com via Visual.ly, November 20,2012
3) Article, "Infographic: 60 Percent of App Developers Don't Break Even", by Angela Moscaritolo, PC Magazine, May 4,2012